What’s the Best Breathing Technique for Anxiety?

When you are anxious, managing your breathing can make a real difference. There are lots of different techniques out there. So which one is the best breathing technique for anxiety?

The answer is, the one that is easiest to do!

You don’t want to be messing about with counting breaths in and pondering whether you should be breathing in through your nose and out through you ears.

You want something that is simple and effective and works for you.

In this video on my YouTube Channel. I talk you through how you can create a breathing method that is customised to your personal breathing habits.

If you enjoy the video please subscribe to my YouTube channel to receive future updates and techniques.

anxiety download handing it over to a higher power

Try thisNLP anxiety process as a free audio download!

In exchange for signing up for my blog of articles like this one, I am offering a free visualisation recording, based on the NLP for anxiety ‘Handing it over to a Higher Power’ exercise described above.
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Robert Sanders is a therapist and life coach, supporting people in their present and helping them create their future.